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24 Feb2021
  • By Admin
  • Category Goods and Service Tax
  • Views 622
The MoF vide Press Release dated February 22, 2021, has clarified that the time limit for sanctioning of pending IGST refunds stands extended till March 31, 2021, for the cases where record have not been transferred to the ICEGATE due to return GSTR 1 and GSTR 3B mismatch. Further, it was provided that such facilitation will overcome the refund blockage problem by allowing refunds subject to post refund audit scrutiny and undertakings of CA certificates by the exporters.
Additionally, CBIC has also extended the facility for resolving the invoice mismatch errors through the Customs Officer interface permanently. Earlier, this facility was provided in respect of shipping bills filed upto December 31, 2019. The exporter may now avail the facility of correction of invoice mismatch errors concerning all the past shipping bills, irrespective of its date of filing subject to payment of prescribed fees.

In conclusion, the Ministry of Finance has extended the time limit for sanctioning pending IGST refunds until March 31, 2021, for cases where records have not been transferred to ICEGATE due to GSTR 1 and GSTR 3B mismatch. This facilitation aims to address refund blockage issues while ensuring post-refund audit scrutiny and CA certificate undertakings by exporters. Furthermore, CBIC has permanently extended the facility for resolving invoice mismatch errors through the Customs Officer interface, allowing exporters to correct past shipping bill errors by paying the prescribed fees.

Take advantage of the extended time limit for IGST refund sanctioning and resolve invoice mismatch errors for all past shipping bills. Stay updated on the latest facilitation measures. For more Details, Contact us at

Disclaimer:The information provided in this blog is for general purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice

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