Manish Gupta
Founder, FCA, India Entry And Tax Compliance Strategist
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Manish Gupta is the Founder of Manish Anil Gupta & Co. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant and Fellow member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India with more than 10 years of experience in the industry. He also holds a Bachelor Degree in Commerce from the University of Delhi. During his professional journey, he has gained in-depth experience in the areas of International Taxation, Expatriate Taxation, Transfer Pricing matters, and Corporate Taxation. His other core areas of expertise also include Auditing, Assurance, Corporate compliances and litigation matters.
He has built enduring relationship with clients by providing most cost efficient and highly professional services. He always believes in satisfying clients with providing high quality services to attain goals and objectives of clients as well as the firm. He has defined his values by the way of excellence, credibility and commitment towards the work he performs and continuously guides us to the road of success. He has been following ethical business principles to underline the true value of our esteemed organization.
Manish helped many individuals and businesses from numerous tax controversies by representing them as counsel before various tax and other authorities. He has advised many clients in every field of professional services including Income Tax planning, consultancy in understanding and adoption of complex tax laws prevailing in India including newly introduced GST, company formations in India, consultancy in intellectual property rights and best solutions to overseas entities and NRIs on the issues faced by them in India. His vast experience in various professional fields is an asset to the organization.
A well-known professional for his skills in delivering innovative ideas and efficient tax planning to clients in growing their businesses. He carries expertise in successfully providing a roadmap and financial strategies to new Indian start-ups and new entrants from international borders who want to set up their business in India.
He is a future- oriented leader who looks forward to fulfilling his Corporate social responsibilities by imparting the skill among the youth and providing them livelihood opportunities.
Believes in “I don’t have Dreams, I have Goals”.